Development of metal organic fromwork-199 immobilized zeolite foam for adsorption of common indoor V

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nuclear01
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Reticulated foam shaped adsorbents are more efficient for the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs),particularly from low VOC-concentration indoor air streams.In this study composite structure of zeolite and metal organic frameworks (MOFs),referred as ZMF,has been fabricated by immobilization of fine MOF-199 powder on foam shaped Zeolite Socony Mobil-5 (ZSM-5) Zeolitic structure,referred as ZF.The ZMF possess a uniform and well-dispersed coating of MOF-199 on the porous framework of ZF.It shows higher surface area,pore volume,and VOCs adsorption capacity,as compared to ZF-structure.Post-fabrication changes in selective adsorption properties of ZMF were studied with three common indoor VOCs (benzene,n-hexane,and cyclohexane),using gravimetric adsorption technique.The adsorption capacity of ZMF with different VOCs follow the order of benzene > n-hexane > cyclohexane.In comparison with MOF-199 and ZF,the composite structure ZMF shows improvement in selectivity for benzene from other two VOCs.Further,improvement in efficiency and stability of prepared ZMF was found to be associated with its high MOF loading capacity and unique morphological and structural properties.The developed composite structure with improved VOCs removal and recyclability could be a promising material for small to limited scale air pollution treatment units.
(上接《农村实用技术》第11期)rn三、西南麦区小麦主要病虫害全程综合防治技术rn1 主要防治对象rn以小麦条锈病为主,兼顾小麦赤霉病、白粉病、麦蚜和红蜘蛛.rn2 综合防治策略
1 工程概况及特点rn郑州市京广路拓宽改造及地下隧道工程,位于郑州市中心,是城区快速路“一环两横一纵”系统规划的“一纵”的重要组成部分.本工程南起航海路,北至建设路,沿
绥化市广播电视局投资 5 0 0 0万元历时 2年多建设的广播电视大楼高 15层 ,面积 1.7万m2 。该楼的建成彻底改变了我局工作用房严重不足的局面 ,为事业发展奠定了重要的基础 ,