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目前,有不少适龄不结果或产量很低的苹果树。原因是除肥水不足,间作不当,病虫危害等综合因素外,在树体管理上,多是由于长期放任不修剪或修剪不合理,造成大枝过多,骨干枝细弱,主从不分,角度过小,层次不清,树冠郁闭,树体结构紊乱。使内膛空裸,小枝不多,花芽很少。因此搞好 At present, there are a lot of apple trees with no age or low yield. The reason is that in addition to inadequate fertilizer, improper intercropping, pests and diseases and other factors, the tree management, mostly due to long-term non-pruning or pruning unreasonable, resulting in excessive large branches, stems and weak branches, the main points from the point of view Too small, unclear levels, canopy canopy, tree structure disorder. Bore empty bare, small branchlets, flower buds rarely. So do a good job
王超伟死了,在场的人都落了泪,包括医生、护士和他的同事们。 从1999年1月29日至3月29日,也就是王超伟住院后到临死前,他将病房当作了办公室。2月13日,医院决定尽最大的可能
紫罗兰“沙拉”、蒲公英通心粉以及玫瑰花瓣汤顺序上桌、一字排开,惹得人垂涎欲滴;樱花茶、玫瑰甜点、桃花粥,应有尽有。鲜花美食能还你青春靓丽的面容, 但是茶花粉、西瓜花
CONG Zhongxiao, 36, holds the postof vice-president of China Women’sCollege. For years she has lectured on theeducation of preschool mathematics,research meth
Ren Xiaoping,the 49-year-old deputydirector of Beijing Institute of Diplomacy,said that every one of her job transfers wasdecided by her leaders—she never mad