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在纳米精度外差干涉仪中,由于非线性的温度漂移,成为外差干涉仪实现纳米精度测量的重要误差源。本文对差动干涉仪的理论分析得出了如下的结论:干涉仪中除了存在测量光路和参考光路以外,还存在参考光误差分量和测量光误差分量的额外光路,从而引入新的干涉混叠,产生非线性漂移;1/4波片的相位延迟量误差和安装误差是引入非线性漂移的主要因素,其影响程度是一阶的。提高波片加工精度,并尽量减少其级数可降低非线性漂移。 In the nanometer precision heterodyne interferometer, due to the nonlinear temperature drift, it becomes the important error source for the heterodyne interferometer to realize the nanometer precision measurement. In this paper, the theoretical analysis of the differential interferometer draws the following conclusion: In addition to the measurement optical path and the reference optical path, there are additional optical paths for the reference optical error component and the measurement optical error component to introduce a new interference aliasing , Resulting in nonlinear drift; 1/4 wave plate phase delay error and installation error is the introduction of nonlinear drift of the main factors, the degree of influence is first order. Improve wave plate processing accuracy, and to minimize its series can reduce the nonlinear drift.
摘要:本文介绍了提高英语书面表达语言质量的几个方法技巧,即从遣词、造句、行文连贯和体现文章思想性四个方面入手,提升句子表现力,增加文章亮点,力求使写作教学更具实效,提高学生的英语写作水平及写作教学效果。  关键词:书面表达 语言质量 技巧
外婆家门前栽了两棵枝繁叶茂的大板栗树,高的一棵大约有15米,矮的大约有10米。  秋天到了,树枝上沉甸甸的,缀满全身带刺的绿果子,绿中带黄的叶子把它们遮得严严实实。  我和外公一人拿着一根竹竿站在大树底下。外公的竹竿真长,有八九米。再看看我的,只有六七米呢!  啪!外公用长长的竹竿打下好几颗板栗。一个个长刺的板栗球啪地掉在地上,几片叶子也跟着落下来。  我很羡慕爷爷,赶紧拿起竹竿打起来,可怎么也打