在对分段冷却控制研究的基础上 ,应用 ANSYS有限元软件首次系统地模拟分析了铝带轧机轧制时 ,影响工作辊与冷却液之间换热特性的因素。结果表明 ,冷却液喷射速度和温度以及冷却液的粘度变化对对流换热特性有着明显的影响 ;对流换热特性对喷嘴与工作辊之间距离的变化不敏感 ,冷却液喷射角度的变化对对流换热特性有一定的影响。
Based on the research of segmented cooling control, ANSYS finite element software was used to simulate and analyze the factors affecting the heat transfer between work roll and coolant during the rolling of aluminum strip rolling mills for the first time. The results show that the change of coolant jet velocity and temperature and the change of coolant viscosity have a significant effect on the convective heat transfer characteristics. The convection heat transfer characteristics are insensitive to the variation of the nozzle-to-work roll distance, Heat transfer characteristics have a certain impact.