2003年底,北京房地产界的一场热闹的口角战特别引人注目——现代城与后现代城,两个著名楼盘“互骂”。一个说对方抄袭案名、侵犯权益,一个宣称不具备雷同嫌疑,只是对方“寡头心态”作祟;一个广撒文章辟谣,一个在外地出差也要回应两句,还强调“不是案名争执”,反而更是牵人耳目。而此中的两位主角,一个是大名鼎鼎的潘石屹,另一个,就是近来声名鹊起的吴江。 然而,更出人意料的是,这两个人物之间居然有着极深的渊源。潘石屹曾经是吴江的老东家;而吴江,则是潘石屹手下跑出去的几员大将之一。
At the end of 2003, a lively mouth-to-mouth battle in real estate in Beijing was particularly noticeable - modern city and postmodern city, two well-known real estate companies that “scolded each other.” One said that each other plagiarized the case name and infringed their rights and interests and claimed that they did not have the same suspicion. They just made each other’s “oligarchy” cause trouble. One article spreading rumors and one business trip in the field responded to two sentences. He also emphasized that “not a case dispute” It is more distracting. The two protagonists, one is the famous Pan Shiyi, the other is the recent fame of Wujiang. More surprisingly, however, the two characters actually have deep roots. Pan Shiyi Wujiang once the old club; and Wujiang, Pan Shiyi is one of the few men ran out of generals.