The karyotype analysis of the jujube cultivar ’Apple jujube’ was carried out by enzymatic wall demixing. Its karyotype formula is: 2n = 3x = 36 = 21m + 15sm (2SAT) The second 栆 natural triploid species found. The results of meiosis of pollen mother cells showed that ’apple jujube’ split irregularly, monovalent, divalent and trivalent in the final stage, of which trivalent accounted for about 57.5% and at least seven trivalent , Up to 10 trivalent body, high homology between the three genomes, backward late chromosome I and late chromosome Ⅱ and chromosome heterogeneity segregation phenomenon; the end of Ⅱ some cells also produce a few trisomy And a very small number of pentaplasia, spore formation of unequal, resulting in a high degree of male gametophyte, which can be judged ’apple jujube’ for the autotriploid. Molecular identification of ’apple jujube’ and known triploid varieties ’Zanhuang jujube’ molecular identification, there are significant differences between the two molecular fingerprints, as two different natural triploid varieties.