一、资料与方法 1.一般资料患者1,女性,73岁。因发现血糖升高8年余,右足破溃、疼痛1月余,于2009年6月1日入院。院外予抗生素及局部用药(不详)治疗20余天无改善。入院时查体:体温37.4℃,血压110/64mmHg,双下肢浅感觉减退,皮温降低,双足背动脉搏动消失,右足第3、4趾及邻近足底变黑。按Wagner分级法诊断为Ⅴ级。HbA_1c 9%,TG 1.8mmol/L,TC 5.2mmol/L,LDL-C 2.7 mmol/L。踝肱指数(ABI)0.3。
First, the data and methods 1. General Information Patient 1, female, 73 years old. Due to the discovery of blood sugar increased more than 8 years, right foot ulceration, pain more than 1 month, on June 1, 2009 admission. Antibiotics and topical medication (unknown) no improvement after more than 20 days of treatment. Admission examination: body temperature 37.4 ℃, blood pressure 110 / 64mmHg, lower extremity shallow sensory decline, skin temperature decreased, bipedal artery pulse disappeared, the right foot and the fourth toe and adjacent to the black foot. According to Wagner classification diagnosed as V grade. HbA 1 c 9%, TG 1.8 mmol / L, TC 5.2 mmol / L, LDL-C 2.7 mmol / L. Ankle brachial index (ABI) 0.3.