为了评价改善治疗心绞痛临床实用的可能性,用消心痛口腔喷雾吸入法和舌下口含法解除慢性稳定型心绞痛的老年病人疼痛的时间进行对比.通过随机抽样观察9例病人(平均年龄67岁).全部病人均经踏车运动试验,都发生典型的胸痛并伴有心电图 ST 段的下移.这些病人在运动的最后阶段立即使用消心痛口腔喷雾法或者舌下口含法.至少6小时后,再做另一次踏车运动试验或给换其它方法用药。结果使用消心痛口腔喷雾吸入法的全部病人解除疼痛的平均时间是61.6±24.4秒.而用消心痛舌下口含法解除疼痛的时间是112.4±70秒.其差别有
To evaluate the clinical utility of treating angina pectoris, the duration of pain in elderly patients with chronic stable angina pectoris treated with oral pessary and oral sublingual buccal injection was compared. Nine patients (mean age 67 years ) All patients underwent a treadmill exercise test with typical chest pain accompanied by a reduction in the ST segment of the electrocardiogram.These patients were given either oral or hypocalcemic oral spray immediately after the end of exercise.At least 6 hours After another treadmill exercise test or change for other methods of medication. Results The average duration of pain relief was 61.6 ± 24.4 seconds for all patients who took oral administration of Xiao Xin Tong oral spray and 112.4 ± 70 seconds for relieving pain with sublingual oral elimination.