Synthesis and Antifungal of Activity of Some Imidazolyl Oxime Ether Derivatives

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simon_186
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Oxiconazole (4a),a new broad-spectrum antifungal agent,was synthesizedaccording to the method reported by Mixich G et al and some improvement was made in thepreparation of N-(2,4-dichlorobenzoylmethyl) imidazole (2),an important intermediate.Inan effort to search for more effective antifungal drugs by chemical modification,severalimidazolyl oxime ether derivatives were synthesized.The structures of the syntheticproducts were proved by elemental analysis.In vitro fungistatic tests showed thatcompounds 4a-g and 7 were more effective than clotrimazole against most of the fungalstrains tested and that compound 4c possessed antifungal action against Aspergillus whileothers including oxiconazole didn’t.The structure of compound 4a (oxiconazole) wasconfirmed by UV,IR,~1H-NMR and MS. Oxiconazole (4a), a new broad-spectrum antifungal agent, was synthesizedaccording to the method reported by Mixich G et al and some improvement was made in the preparation of N- (2,4-dichlorobenzoylmethyl) imidazole (2), an important intermediate. Inan effort to search for more effective antifungal drugs by chemical modification, severalimidazolyl oxime ether derivatives were synthesized.The structures of the synthetic products were proved by elemental analysis. In vitro fungistatic tests showed thatcompounds 4a-g and 7 were more effective than clotrimazole against most of the fungalstrains tested and that compound 4c possessed antifungal action against Aspergillus while the house containing oxiconazole didn’t.The structure of compound 4a (oxiconazole) wasconfirmed by UV, IR, ~ 1H-NMR and MS.
中国电视剧制作中心有好几位卓有成就的女导演,蔡晓晴就是其中的一位佼佼者。 蔡晓晴文革前就学于北京电影学院,刚刚毕业就碰上了那一场史无前例的大浩劫,她也毫无例外地下
一九八四年出版的《毛泽东书信选集》中有一封毛泽东同志一九四六年三月十二日给我的回信。有的同志要我写点当时的情况,写点感想。但也有同志认为,在经过十年浩劫之后,还来歌颂毛泽东同志是否合适。我觉得,人们的经历不同,对同一件事完全可以有不同的感受和理解。  领袖人物的是非功过、如何评说,由谁来评说,这是辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义早已解决了的问题,马克思、恩格斯、列宁等革命导师,为我们做出了光辉的榜样。我
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Values of critieal eurrent densityJ。exceeding lo6A·em一2 at 77K and zerofield have been rePorted for thinmagnetlcfllnls ofYBaoCu:O,_。on sinZle ervstal substr
查少农(1903—1987),安徽庐江县人。中医学家。查氏四世业医,父查墨村先生创“安安堂”医庐,名噪乡野。查少农敏而好学,幼受家风熏陶,存志于斯。他在安庆师 Investigate Sh
鲁迅一则日记写道:一九二七年“一月八日 昙。下午往鼓浪屿民钟报馆晤李硕果、陈昌标及他社员三四人,少顷语堂、矛尘,顾颉刚、陈万里俱至,同至洞天夜饭。夜大风,乘舟归。雨
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