TP5 3是一种广谱肿瘤抑制基因 ,其产物为多功能的转录调节因子 ,可以发挥调节细胞生长、细胞凋亡和DNA修复的作用。对TP5 3的结构与功能的研究一直是TP5 3研究的热点和重点内容。本文阐述了有关该蛋白结构功能及活性调节的最新研究进展。
TP5 3 is a broad-spectrum tumor suppressor gene whose product is a multifunctional transcriptional regulator that plays a role in regulating cell growth, apoptosis and DNA repair. The research on the structure and function of TP5 3 has been a hot and important topic of TP5 3 research. This article describes the latest research progress on the structural and functional regulation of this protein.