14 C活体示踪动力学和定期取样测定结合 ,研究了冬小麦京冬 6号籽粒发育期间旗叶同化物输出和分配特征。旗叶 14 C输出量、输出速率的动力学均符合负指数方程 ,用 14 C输出几率等参数比较了各期同化物输出特性的差异。开花期旗叶 14 C输出量的 90 %以上进入茎和颖壳 ,以后再分配到籽粒中。灌浆期籽粒是优势库 ,14 C分布占旗叶输出量的约 70 % ;蜡熟期 14 C仅有约 13%进入籽粒 ,2 5%左右先进入根系 ,完熟时再分配到籽粒。这些变化是整株源库关系的体现 ,生产中应据各期特点明确主攻方向和目标
14 C in vivo tracer kinetics and periodic sampling combined with the study of the output and distribution characteristics of flag leaf assimilates during grain development of winter wheat Jingdong 6. The dynamics of flag leaf 14 C output and output rate are in accordance with the negative exponential equation, and the 14 C output probability and other parameters were used to compare the output characteristics of the assimilates. Flowering flag leaf 14 C output of more than 90% into the stem and glume shell, and then redistributed to the grain. The grain filling rate was about 70% of that of flag leaf at grain filling stage. Only about 13% of 14 C at waxing stage entered the grain, and about 25% entered the root at first, then was distributed to the grain at the ripening stage. These changes are the embodiment of the whole plant source and sink relations, the production should be based on the characteristics of the main direction and goal of the main clear