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PctroChina West East Gas Pipeline & Sales Company, a regional company directly under PetroChina Company Limited (PctroChina), is responsible for the construction and operation of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, and the gas marketing and sales of the natural gas market in China. PetroChina West East Gas Pipeline Company and PetroChina West East Gas Sales Company apply one level management system with one leading group and two administrative authorities. The corporate headquarter now has 13 functional departments, and there are 10 regional management offices along the pipeline including Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia-Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan-Anhui, Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai, Subei, Hebei-Shandong, Henan-Hubei, and the gas storage; four engineering project departments such as the gas storage, Hcbci-Ningxia, Huaiwu, and the compressor station; one compressor maintenance center; one measurement & calibration center; three maintenance & repair centers; as well as 10 maintenance & repair teams. The company presently owns more than 1,500 employees. PctroChina West East Gas Pipeline & Sales Company, a regional company directly under PetroChina Company Limited (PctroChina), is responsible for the construction and operation of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, and the gas marketing and sales of the natural gas market in China . PetroChina West East Gas Pipeline Company and PetroChina West East Gas Sales Company apply one level management system with one leading group and two administrative authorities. The corporate headquarter now has 13 functional departments, and there are 10 regional management offices along the pipeline including Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia-Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan-Anhui, Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai, Subei, Hebei-Shandong, Henan-Hubei, and the gas storage; four engineering project departments such as the gas storage, Hcbci-Ningxia, Huaiwu, and the compressor station; one compressor maintenance center; one measurement & calibration center; three maintenance & repair centers; as well as 10 maintenance & repair teams. T he company presently owns more than 1,500 employees.
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【中图分类号】G633.6【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)28-0153-02  小组合作分层教学是新课程教学的一个中心话题之一,小组合作学习是一种以“小组”为单位的“合作性”学习,它真正的内在意义是培养学生充分的合作精神、合作能力,这正是学生需要培养的社会能力的一个重要的方面。这种合作学习的方式已经越来越得到广大教师的首肯,也越来越被学生喜欢和接受。但是,随着新课程改