南疆不少地区,有一种果木害虫,特别是对杏树,为害十分严重,大部分群众都称它为杏树毛虫,也有人误认为天幕毛虫。一九六○和一九六三年,笔者在莎车县对这一害虫作了野外观察和饲养观察。现将了解到的一些材料介绍出来,供同志们参考。 一、关于名称 此虫属(鱼令)翅目毒蛾科,据八一农学院张学祖付教授初步鉴定,学名为Euproctis karghalica Moore.,与广泛分布于欧洲、澳洲、北美洲、亚洲(包括我国内地不少省份)的棕尾毒
In many parts of southern Xinjiang, there is a pest of fruit trees, especially for apricot trees. The damage is very serious. Most people call it almond tree caterpillars, while others mistakenly regard it as sky caterpillars. In 1960 and 1963, I conducted field observation and rearing observations on this pest in Shache County. Now I understand some of the materials introduced for comrades reference. First, on the name of this insects (fish order) of the order wing moth family, according to Bayi College of Agriculture Professor Zhang Xuezu preliminary identification, scientific name Euproctis karghalica Moore., And are widely distributed in Europe, Australia, North America, Asia (including our country Many provinces in the Mainland) brown tail poison