运用好教育形式和良好的教育氛围,对学生的成长能起到不可估量的作用。学校的每一项工作、每一次活动都对学生起着潜移默化的影响,都能引导学生树立正确的人生价值观。几年来,我们在不断发挥政治课主渠道作用的同时,又通过多种辅助渠道,营造一个积极向上学习邓小平理论的氛围,全方位开展邓小平理论的教育,在学生中形成了学理论、重实践、展才华、求进取的良好风气。我们采取的主要活动形式是: 1.及时向学生宣讲党的十四届四、五、六中全
Using a good form of education and a good educational atmosphere can play an immeasurable role in the growth of students. Each school work, every activity plays a subtle influence on students, can guide students to establish the correct values of life. In the past few years, while constantly giving play to the role of the main channel of political classes, we have also created a positive and progressive atmosphere of learning Deng Xiaoping Theory through various auxiliary channels. We have all along conducted the education of Deng Xiaoping Theory, and have formed the theory and practice among students , Show talent, forge ahead of the good atmosphere. We take the main activities in the form of: 1. In a timely manner to the students to preach the fourteenth four, five, six full