“砰”的一声爆炸响彻整条街道,汽车熊熊起火,玻璃碎片四溅,人们在火海中四处逃生,就在这时,一位英雄冲进火海去救人。没错,这就是大家熟悉的好莱坞大片中的情景。但事实上,很多时候,这个英雄并不是大家所熟悉的男(女)主角,他 (她)只足在幕后默默无闻的特技替身演员。
An explosion of “bang” rang throughout the street, the car raging, glass shattered, people escape in the sea of fire, at this time, a hero burst into the sea of fire to save people. That’s right, this is the familiar Hollywood scene. In fact, in many cases, this hero is not a well known male (female) protagonist, and he or she is only behind the obscurity stunt stuntman behind the scenes.