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“升格“前后 1949年8月1日.中共中央华北局机关报《人民日报》成为中共中央机关报。没有举行庆祝会、招待会,没有宴请宾客、送纪念品。当时不搞形式、不讲排场的社会风气,比现在好多了。按照现在的说法,报纸是“升格”了。工作人员夙愿得偿,自然兴奋。但兴奋之后的思考,多少有些苦涩:我们编印的报纸,称得上党中央机关报么!我们的政治、理论、知识水平,算得上中央党报的工作人员么!我是编委成员之一,同编辑部人员生活、工作在一起,业余时间,经常议论这个问题。有些思想压力颇有好处,促使人们政治上谨慎,工作中发愤,但看得重了,以致过于拘谨,不敢创新,又成为当时的一个缺点。 ”Upgrading“ Before and after August 1, 1949. CPC Central Committee Bureau of North China Bureau ”People’s Daily“ became the organ of the Central Government. Did not hold a celebration, reception, did not banquet guests, send souvenirs. At that time, the social atmosphere of not taking shape and disregarding was much better than it is now. According to the current version, the newspaper is ”upgraded." Naturally, the staff members are willing to pay for it. But after the excitement of the thinking, somewhat bitter: we print the newspaper, called the party Central Committee reported what! Our politics, theory, knowledge, can be regarded as the central party newspaper staff it! I am a member of the editorial board , With the editorial staff life, work together, spare time, often talk about this issue. Some ideological pressures are quite good, prompting people to be politically cautious and angry at work. But with so much emphasis on being too cautious and not creative, it has become a shortcoming at that time.
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<正> 《新闻研究资料》在1979年创刊,我也在1979年开始从事中国新闻史的学习和教学,这实在巧得很!过去的10年,《新闻研究资料》是我旅途中的亲密伙伴,案头上的良师益友。且不说它那44期1000多篇文章中包括多少著名的新闻界人物,多少重大的新闻事件,多少重要的报刊、杂志、电台、通讯社的珍贵史料,仅仅就它对我和我的同志们的关心和支持就可看出它功绩的一斑。
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