档案是社会实践活动的真实纪录。金融档案是国家档案的一个重要组成部分,它不仅是各级领导决策的重要依据,也是金融活动佐证的重要历史资料。近几年来,我们黄梅县农业银行在各级档案部门和上级行的正确指导下,以档案升级为契机,以争创档案工作先进单位为动力,以前期准备工作为基础,以收集整理为关键,以管理利用为目的,精心治理,持之以恒,从而实现了档案管理制度化、规范化、科学化,达到档案省一级标准,被评为“档案工作先进单位”。我们的主要体会是:“四、三、二”。 一、前期准备打基础,整础在于“四到位”。 档案工作既是一项融学术性、技术性于一体的理论研究工作,又是一项集理论性与实践性于一身的基础实际工作,其复杂程度和技术要求高于金融部门的
File is a true record of social practice activities. Financial archives is an important part of the national archives. It is not only an important basis for decision making by leaders at all levels, but also an important historical document supported by financial activities. In recent years, under the correct guidance of the archival departments and superior banks at all levels, our Agricultural Bank of Huangmei takes the opportunity of file upgrade as the driving force and strives for the creation of advanced units of archives work. Based on the preparatory work for the previous period, we have collected and sorted as the key , To manage the use of for the purpose of careful management, perseverance, so as to achieve the institutionalization of archives management, standardization and scientific, to the provincial standard file, was named “archives work advanced unit.” Our main experience is: “four, three, two.” First, pre-prepared to lay the foundation, the whole is “four in place.” Archival work is not only a theoretical work integrating academic and technical aspects, but also a basic practical work integrating theory with practice. Its complexity and technical requirements are higher than those in the financial sector