同志们!你们这次会议开得很好,交流了工作经验,研究了克服林业方面的困难的办法。虽然在今后的大跃进中会遇到一些问题,但只要依靠党和依靠群众,这些问题是容易解决的。 1958年我国人民在党的总路线的光辉照耀下,以冲天的干劲进行社会主义建设,预计在1959年我国的建设规模和速度,将会更大更快。为了适应这样的建设规模和速度,木材的生产必须紧紧地跟上来。
Comrades, You have done well at this meeting and have shared your work experience and studied ways of overcoming the difficulties of the forestry sector. Although some problems will be encountered in the upcoming Great Leap Forward, these problems will be easily solved by relying on the party and relying on the masses. In 1958, under the brilliant shineness of the party’s general line, our people carried forward the socialist construction with great energy. It is estimated that the scale and speed of construction in our country will be even greater and faster in 1959. In order to adapt to such scale and speed of construction, timber production must closely follow.