纵观我省对外开放的形势,要振兴上饶经济,笔者认为上饶地区应当有一些大的动作。把“三清山的牌子打出去”是其中之一。一、为什么要把三清山的牌子打出去? 位于上饶地区东北部毗邻闽浙赣的三清山,是国家级风景名胜区,被誉为“江南一秀”。景区面积220平方公里,有玉京、玉虛、玉华三峰峻拔,犹如道教之神列座其巅。全山有三清宫,梯云岭、三洞口等七个景区,55处景点,237个景观景物,其中有龙潭瀑布、玉帘瀑布等独立景点。全山东险西奇,北秀南绝,更有“泰山之雄伟,华山之(山走)峭,衡山之烟云,匡庐之飞瀑”的神奇。其“仙迹神工”的风光可与黄山相媲美,故被称为黄山的姐妹山。
Looking at the situation of opening up in our province, to revitalize Shangrao economy, I think Shangrao region should have some big moves. The “Sanqingshan brand hit out” is one of them. Why Sanqingshan brand should be shot out? Sanqingshan is located in the northeast part of Shangrao, bordering Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi Province. It is a national scenic area and is known as “a show of Jiangnan.” Scenic area of 220 square kilometers, with Beijing, Yu-yu, Yuhua Sanfeng Jun pull, just like the god of Taoism column its top. There are Sanqingshan Mountain, Tiantun Ridge, three holes and other seven scenic spots, 55 spots, 237 landscapes, including Longtan waterfalls, waterfalls and other independent curtain Yulia. The whole of Shandong Sichis, North Sau South must, more “Taishan majestic, Huashanzhi (mountain walk) steep, smoke of Hengshan, Kuanglu waterfall” magic. Its “gods celestial workers,” the scenery can be comparable with Huangshan, it is called the sister mountain of Huangshan.