积极适应角色变化 不断提升综合素质——林凡同志在部门新聘副总监任前谈话会上的讲话

来源 :深交所 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangtaozheng
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交易所的职能和所处市场地位以及受公众广泛关注的程度,决定了我们不能在廉洁上出任何问题。恪守“三公”原则,保持廉洁从业,是交易所员工最起码的职业要求。 The role of the exchange and its market position, as well as the extent of its public concern, determine that we can not pose any problems with integrity. Adhere to the “three principles” principle, to maintain a clean and honest, is the minimum staff requirements of the exchange staff.