Modern Shale Gas Horizontal Drilling: Review of Best Practices for Exploration Phase Planning and Ex

来源 :中国石油勘探 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhubin19851021
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The challenging characteristics of shale formations often require horizontal drilling to economically develop their potential. While every shale gas play is unique, there are several best practices for the proper planning and execution of a horizontal well. In planning a horizontal well, the optimal method and technology for building inclination and extending the lateral section must be determined. Properly specified logging-while-drilling tools are essential to keep the wellbore within the target formation. Planning must also focus on casing design. Doing so will help ensure stability and enable reliable and productive completions. Shales pose a challenge for these elements of well planning due to their thin strata and potentially low mechanical competence when foreign fluids are introduced. Once a plan is developed, executing it is even more important to prove a viable exploration program. Fast, efficient drilling with wellbore control and minimal torque and drag should be the priority. This may be achieved by focusing on fluid hydraulics and rheology and bottom hole assembly. Managed pressure drilling (MPD) will help fast drilling, well control and stability. If MPD can be combined with new generation rotary steerable systems that allow the drill string to maintain rotation, impressive efficiencies are possible. Modern drilling parameter analysis represents the newest opportunity for executing shale gas horizontal wells. A method for ROP analysis to improve operational parameters and equipment selection is also proposed.
根据由中华医学会呼吸学会和北京朝阳医学-北京呼吸疾病研究所,分别在2004年、2009年和2011年进行的三项研究表明,肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma pneumoniae, MP)是北京,乃至全国社区获得
摘要:文章以新疆昌吉职业技术学院17级预科16班学生为主体,对预科生学习普通话的态度进行问卷调查及平时教学中所接触的实例基础上,运用语言学、心理学等学科为理论基础,对预科生对待学习普通话的态度上进行了分析,总结出预科生学习普通话态度上的特点,为新时期新疆少数民族预科生教育政策实施提供参考和依据。  关键词:预科生 语言态度  中图分类号:H193 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5349(20