在很多工业部门和科学研究单位需要对混合气中的合氧量进行连续自动分析,过去所采用的化学吸收法,电化学法等很难满足现代的技术要求,因之各国粉粉探求新的分析方法,1946年发明了第一台热磁式氧分析器,现在它已广泛应用于各个国民经济部门。我国1963年试制成功了 QZS-5101型热磁式氧分析器,几年来在党的鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义总路线精神鼓舞下,特别是经过了无产阶级文化大革命,打倒了党内一小撮走
In many industrial sectors and scientific research units need continuous automatic analysis of the oxygen content in the mixture, the chemical absorption method used in the past, electrochemical method is difficult to meet the modern technical requirements, because of the new countries to explore new powder Analysis method, invented the first thermal magnetic oxygen analyzer in 1946, and now it has been widely used in various national economic sectors. In 1963, China successfully piloted the QZS-5101 thermal magnetic oxygen analyzer. In the past few years, inspired by the party’s drive to the upper reaches and the spirit of building a more socialist road with more efficient, more economical and more provincial-level efforts, especially after the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Down with a handful of people in the party