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地方科技创新立法在我国的科技立法体系中,一定程度补充了国家层面立法无法提供精细规则供给的不足。当前我国地方科技创新立法业已初具规模,基本完成“总+分”式的体系搭建,但在立法质量方面仍然存在立法理念更新与适应性调整不力,地方特色彰显不足,法律责任规定欠缺等亟需回应的问题。本文将从立法理念、立法特色以及立法技术3个方面就已有的问题针对性地提出一些不同的思考。 Local science and technology innovation legislation in our country’s science and technology legislation system, to a certain extent, supplemented the lack of provision of fine rules at the national level legislation. At present, the legislation of local science and technology innovation in our country has begun to take shape and has basically completed the system of “total + points” type. However, there are still some problems in the legislation quality such as the lack of updating and adaptability of legislative ideas, the lack of local features, the lack of legal liability And so urgent to answer the question. This article will put forward some different opinions on the existing problems from three aspects: legislative idea, legislative characteristic and legislative technique.
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