Saturated semi-infinite body surface water permeability will affect the existence of surface waves (Rayleigh waves and Stoneley waves) and its propagation characteristics. In the case of seepage on the surface, only Rayleigh waves exist, and not only Rayleigh waves but also Stoneley waves in impervious conditions. Surface waves play an important role in engineering exploration and acoustic testing. Therefore, it is necessary to study the influence of surface water permeability on the propagation characteristics of surface waves. Using the thin layer method, the search problem of the root of the surface wave frequency equation is converted into the eigenvalue problem. According to the attenuation characteristics of surface wave along the depth, the corresponding eigenvalues and eigenvectors corresponding to surface waves are screened from a set of calculated eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and the surface frequency characteristics (dispersion and attenuation characteristics) are obtained from the eigenvalues. From the eigenvectors Get the pore pressure, the displacement of the skeleton changes with the depth, and then analyze the depth and extent of the Rayleigh and Stoneley waves in the case of impervious surface.