Utilization of aromatic rice in improving grain quality of hybrid rice(Ⅱ)

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Xiangxiang 2A has an evident drawback, i.e., instability in male sterility under higher temperature conditions resulting from the existence of minor restoring genes in it, which greatly hampered the extension of its elite hybrid Xiangyou 63 with both high yield and fine quality in commercial production. To improve Xiangxiang 2A, the hybridization of Xiangxiang 2B with V20 B was made again in 1990. A new aromatic CMS line Xinxiang A was successfully developed in 1994. It not only retains the favorable characteristics of Xiangxiang 2A in grain quality and combining ability, but also expresses complete and stable male sterility and high seed production yield potential. Up to now, by using it as female parent, a series of quasi aromatic hybrids have been developed. Some of them have been released to farmers. Because such hybrids can not only yield higher or as high as but also possess a better grain quality than the current common high yielding hybrid rice varieties,so that they are preferred and well welcome by the farmers in China. The planting area under these hybrids is increasing rapidly in China. Xiangxiang 2A has an obvious drawback, ie, instability in male sterility under higher temperature conditions resulting from the existence of minor restoring genes in it, which greatly hampered the extension of its elite hybrid Xiangyou 63 with both high yield and fine quality in commercial production. To improve Xiangxiang 2A, the hybridization of Xiangxiang 2B with V20 B was made again in 1990. A new aromatic CMS line Xinxiang A was successfully developed in 1994. It not only retains the favorable characteristics of Xiangxiang 2A in grain quality and combining ability, but Up to now, by using it as female parent, a series of quasi aromatic hybrids have been developed. Some of them have been released to farmers. Because such hybrids can not only yield higher or as high as but also possess a better grain quality than the current common high high yielding hybrid rice varieties, so that they are pre ferred and well welcome by the farmers in China. The planting area under these hybrids is increasing rapidly in China.
随着数学学习的不断深入,小学知识的理论性逐渐增强,知识量与知识难度较之从前也有了较大提升。如何让学生能够快速适应变化的学习内容及学习模式,在课堂学习中形成全新的数学思维,是每个小学数学教师应当深入思考的课题。笔者在实际教学过程中多次引入模型进行教学,收到了很好的教学效果。  一、以模型为入口,优化问题解决思维  模型是将数学理论从书本当中提炼出来,并以实际操作的形式予以展现的过程。因此,模型可以有
在新课改的背景下,小学数学教学不能再按部就班地采取传统方法进行了,因此很多教師、专家都尝试着对教学进行创新和改进,多种多样的教学方法也如雨后春笋般出现。综合各种教学方法,结合学生和教材实际来看,笔者认为,小学数学教学必须遵循四个要点,才能真正实现高效课堂。  一、数学思想的培养要优于数学知识的积累  大多数教师在教学中都忽视了对学生数学思想的培养,比较关注学生数学知识的积累和数学方法的习得,因为这
学习方式要变被动接受转为主动学习,激发自主探究的意识,这样的学习才是深层次的,获取的经验才是多层面的,提升的能力才具有可持续性。在自主探究的过程中,学生需要调动多种感官参与学习活动,会逐渐掌握学习方法,主动寻求解决问题的途径,提升分析和解决数学问题的能力和意识。学生的数学素养才能得到切实提升,问题意识才能增强,运用能力才能提高。  在以往,小学生的数学学习都没有跳出教师绝对的掌控,即使是启发式谈话