一个70岁的老人,放弃城里的舒适和安逸,怀着对故乡的无限眷恋之情,把一串深深的脚印留在了故乡的土地上。 老人叫孙俭,是榆树市法院的离休干部。4年前,这个有着45年党龄的老同志,离休后毅然回到了农村老家。从此,拉林河边的草甸子上,又多了一位开荒者,他拥有一亩多菜园,产的白菜萝卜大都送了人;红星乡郝家村5组的废池塘,又多了一个养鱼户,老孙养的鱼,年年都有好收成。他把活鲜鲜的鱼拎到贫困
A 70-year-old man, giving up the comfort and ease of living in the city, has a deep sense of nostalgia for his hometown, leaving behind a series of deep footprints on the land of his hometown. The elderly called Sun Jian, is retired cadres of the elm city court. Four years ago, this old comrade with a party of 45 years of age resolutely returned to his hometown in rural areas after his retirement. Since then, the meadow along the Lalin River, another more pioneers, he owns more than one acre of vegetable garden, cabbage yield most of the people sent to send people; Red Star Township Hao Village 5 groups of waste ponds, but also a fish Households, grandchildren raised fish, good harvest every year. He carried the live fresh fish to poverty