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建立多房棘球蚴(Echinococcusmultilocularis,E.m)感染沙鼠的过敏反应模型以了解包虫病所致过敏反应的IgE变化规律。取长爪沙鼠60只,用酶联免疫吸附试验测定IgE水平。随机抽取健康沙鼠12只测定IgE水平作为IgE基础值参照组;人工腹腔接种E.m感染长爪沙鼠48只,感染E.m四周和三个月后各抽取12只测定IgE作为E.m感染后IgE水平参照组和决定性注射前IgE水平参照组;再根据决定性注射致敏原不同,将E.m感染的另外24只长爪沙鼠分为三组,分别进行攻击发敏,建立过敏反应模型。在决定性注射致敏原后,观察症状60min再测定IgE水平。结果为IgE水平随E.m感染沙鼠的时间推移而升高,攻击发敏前达高峰,发敏后60min明显下降。过敏反应发生率最高为100%,最低为62.5%,过敏性休克发生率为12.5%。过敏反应模型症状典型,结果可靠,可应用于包虫病反致过敏性休克的系列防治实验研究中。IgE水平变化在包虫病致过敏性休克的发生、发展中起重要作用 To establish an anaphylactic model of gerbil infected with Echinococcus multilocularis (E.m.) to understand the change of IgE in the allergic reaction induced by hydatid disease. Sixty Meriones unguiculatus mice were taken and IgE levels were determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Twelve healthy gerbils were randomly selected to determine the level of IgE as a baseline IgE reference group; M infection Mongolian gerbils 48, E. infection. Twelve samples of IgE were taken as E after four weeks and three months respectively. m after infection IgE level of reference group and the level of IgE before deciduous injection reference group; then according to the decision of the different injection of allergens, E. m infected with another 24 Meriones unguiculatus were divided into three groups, were attacked and sensitized, the establishment of allergic reaction model. After a definitive injection of allergens, observe the symptoms 60min and then determine IgE levels. The result is IgE level with E m gerbils infected with the passage of time increased, the attack before reaching the peak, after 60min significantly decreased. The highest incidence of allergic reactions was 100%, the lowest was 62.5%, the incidence of anaphylactic shock was 12.5%. Allergic model of typical symptoms, the results are reliable and can be applied to hydatid disease caused by anti-allergic shock series of experimental studies. Changes in IgE levels play an important role in the occurrence and development of anaphylactic shock induced by hydatid disease
目的: 比较自贡地区液基细胞检测(TCT)与人乳头瘤病毒检测(HPV)在宫颈癌筛查中的临床价值.方法: 取四川省自贡市第一人民医院2014年7月至2017年3月间门诊患者自愿接受宫颈筛
目的: 研究ICU机械通气患者呼吸机管路细菌污染及对呼吸机相关性肺炎的影响.方法: 选取我院ICU2014年8月~2016年9月收治的150例机械通气患者为研究对象,将其换管时间作为依据