我这次从北京回母校与各位博士生座谈 ,是希望山东大学的鲁迅研究在已经到来的 2 1世纪能够再现辉煌。山东大学在全国是率先将“鲁迅研究”课搬上大学课堂的高校 ,建国不久 ,刘泮溪、孙昌熙、韩长经三位先生就在华岗校长的支持下合讲“鲁迅研究” ,并将他们的讲稿在《文史哲》上发表。 1 957年这部《鲁迅研究》讲稿由作家出版社出版 ,产生了很大的影响 ,香港波文书局也翻印过这部著作。不仅如此 ,这些山大先辈还率先将鲁迅研究作为文学研究的火车头 ,对中国比较文学的学科建设做出了贡献。 2 0世纪 80年代初 ,孙昌熙先生的论文《鲁迅的比较文学观及其研治古典文学的成就》、韩长经先生的专著《鲁迅与俄罗斯文学》成为比较文学在中国复兴的报春燕子。现在这些先生都已经仙逝 ,而世纪末非议鲁迅的喧嚣也已经过去 ,鲁迅研究在 2 1世纪将是怎样的前途 ,请山东大学的各位博士生发表意见。
This time I returned to Beijing from my alma mater to discuss with you doctoral students, I hope Lu Xun’s research at Shandong University can reproduce its glory in the 21st century that has already arrived. Shandong University took the lead in the whole country to put “Lu Xun Research” into universities and colleges. After the founding of the People’s Republic, Liu Panxi, Sun Changxi and Han Changjing, together with the support of President Huagang, co-wrote “Research on Lu Xun” and put their speeches Published in “Literature, History and Philosophy”. In 1957, this “draft study of Lu Xun” was published by the author press, which had a great impact. The Hong Kong Bowen Publishing House also reprinted the book. Not only that, these great forerunners also took the lead in studying Lu Xun as the locomotive of literary studies, and made contributions to the discipline construction of Chinese comparative literature. In the early 1980s, Mr. Sun Chang-xi’s dissertation, “Comparative Literature Views of Lu Xun and His Achievements of Studying and Curing Classical Literature,” Mr. Han Changjing’s monograph “Lu Xun and Russian Literature” became the primordial swallow that revived comparative literature in China. Now that these gentlemen have passed away, the noise of Lu Xun, which is denouncing Lu Xun at the end of the century, has also passed. What kind of future will Lu Xun study be in the 21st century? All the doctoral students at Shandong University should express their opinions.