目的:分析封开地区农村生活环境与慢性阻塞肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,简称:COPD)发病的相关性因素。方法通过在封开地区农村展开流行病学调查,并结合封开县的实际情况对农村展开抽样调查,选取2013年6月-2014年4月我院收治40岁以上COPD农村患者380例(含,以1:2比例匹配(同性别,年龄±3岁内)选择同时期在本院循环内科、消化内科及肾内科住院治疗的非COPD患者760例作为对照,并同时对目标群体进行肺功能体检。结果数据分析结果显示,1140例封开地区农村对象,排除其他疾病患者等收回的有效调查数据864例,慢性阻塞性肺疾病总患病率为13.54%,其结果明显高于全国平均水平,其中文化程度、年龄、居住环境、吸烟状况、病史等因素对COPD发病具有重要影响。结论封开地区农村居民COPD患病因素来自于多方面,要减少封开农村居民COPD发病率和病死率,要做好对发病因素的治理和控制。“,”Objective To analyses the correlation factors between the rural living environment and the COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) in Fengkai area. Methods By epidemiologic surveying in Fengkai area, we selected 380 patients with COPD who are over the age of 40 years old and were hospitalized in the period of from June 2013 to April 2014,meanwhile we also selected 760 patients with other diseases and were hospitalized separately in the circulatory department, the gastroenteropathy department and the renal department in our hospital as control. Al the patients took the lung function examination. Results The data show that there are 864 effective survey data in the 1140 objects of the study, and the morbidity of COPD is 13.54%. The result is significantly higher than the average level of our country. Among the effective factors the degree of education, age, living environment, smoke and medical history majorly influence the morbidity of COPD. Conclusion There are many factors that effect the susceptibility to COPD of the rural residents in Fengkai area. Governing and control the various factors is the key to reduce the morbidity and mortality of COPD in the rural area.