The course of science and technology,and acoustics:past,present and future——turning to information a

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdfghjkc
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In this paper,the historical development of acoustics has been brieflyreviewed.It can be concluded that acoustics study has been developed alongwith the same atream of the historical developments of science and technology,the category of acoustics has changed from the naturc-oriented and passivephysical acoustics to the human-oriented and active information acoustics.Ithas been extended over a variety of wide fields. In this paper, the historical development of acoustics has been briefly reviewed. It can be concluded that acoustics study has been underdated with the same atream of the historical developments of science and technology, the category of acoustics has changed from the naturc-oriented and passivephysical acoustics to the human-oriented and active information acoustics. Ithas been extended over a variety of wide fields.
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