High purity terbium oxide has alwaysbeen produced by the conventional extra-ction chromatography.The main disadvan-tages of the method are:(1)the facili-ties us
A fast-quenching process em-ploying ZKIOT Vacuum Furnace tocontinuously produce Nd-Fe basePM materials has been codevelopedby Nuclear Power Research Insti-tute
Jointly developed by GeneralResearch Institute of NonferrousMetals in Beijing,Northeast Uni-versity of Technology,ZhuzhouHard Alloy Factory and Zigong-Hard Allo
The All China Technical Service Centrefor the Application of Rare Earths inCast Iron was established in TsinghuaUniversity,Beijing,on Oct.23,1989.Itsprincipal t
A pilot exciter fitted with RE perma-nent magnet,with a capacity of 60-160KVA,has been jointly developed by ShenyangUniversity of Technology,the Harbin E-lectri
The application of REs in steel sur-face treatment has been developed rapid-ly in recent years in China.The techni-que,aimes at improving the surface per-forman
<正> 安徽省怀宁县皖河区文化站在雷埠乡收集到一面唐人马球图铜镜,是当地群众1983年作农活时挖出的。铜镜为八瓣菱花形,直径19.5、边缘厚1厘米,半球形纽,镜面微鼓。镜背饰凸连弧纹一周,镜边与连弧纹之间饰等距花蝶纹。连弧纹内为浮雕式马球图,有四人驾驭奔马抢击二球,间饰花草、山峰。一马四蹄腾空,骑士高举球杖奋力夺球;一马后蹄高扬,骑士肩荷球杖伺机击球;一马后蹄着地,前蹄腾空;一马似被紧勒缰绳,昂首嘶鸣,骑士侧身向后用球杖钧住地上的球。整
A research group led by Prof.DengRuwen of Lanzhou University has been en-gaged in the work on RE-pharmacochemis-try,biochemistry,and coordination che-mistry,wit