First, the concept of research tasks and methods is a kind of thinking that reflects the general and essential characteristics of objects and phenomena. The formation of concepts is carried out in the process of the development of human history. The mastery of concepts is to grasp the concepts that are ready and socially formed. Therefore, the mastery of the concept does not require the complex, long road that humans have walked through when concepts are formed. Even so, the mastery of concepts is still a complex process. It depends on past experience, existing knowledge, mastering the activities (such as teaching activities, living activities, etc.) that are realized in the process, and grasping the intellectual process that is achieved. system. The teaching methods of concepts are various and can be mainly divided into two types: one is the method of directly exposing the essential features, and the other is the method of indirectly exposing the essential features (such as variants, contrasts, etc.). In the teaching of the concept of plane geometry, the method of directly revealing essential features should be adopted.