一篇文章中,有些词句,孤立去看似乎并不难懂,也并无出色的地方。如《廉颇蔺相如列传》一文中的第四自然段最后一句是:“臣窃以为其人勇士,有智谋,宜可使。” 这一句中的“勇士”.和“智谋”二词亦不难于理解,然而它却是时蔺相如的基本评价,也是全篇文章的关健。全丈材料的选择和组织安排都是为此服务的。细细咀嚼,方见它的妙处。当蔺相如一出场时,文中有这么一段叙述文字: “于是王召见,问
In an article, some words are not easy to understand in isolation, and there is no place for excellence. For example, the last sentence of the fourth paragraph in the article “Lian Po Bi Xiang Xiang Ru Bi Zhuan” is: “Theft of the officer is a warrior for the people. There is a resourcefulness and it is appropriate to use it.” The “Warriors” and “The Warriors” in this sentence. ”The two words are not difficult to understand, but it is the basic evaluation of the time and the phase. It is also the key to the whole article. All Zhang’s materials are selected and organized for this purpose. Chewing carefully, see its beauty. When the prime minister came out, there was a narrative in the text: "The king summoned and asked