据Datamonitor调研公司称,1998年美国男性化妆品交易额达280万美元。这一兴旺的行业已经成为化妆品市场中最大的新兴市场之一。对各种男性化妆品的关注也促进了个人护理品市场新潮流的形成。据Gillette公司的化妆品业务主任Bernadette King说,男性免不了受直接针对女性的有关化妆品的指导和广告宣传的影响,但同时也知道这些产品不是他们用的。“现在你所看到的是转而针对男士的指导。”对男性顾客推销特定的个人护理产品要用不同于女性顾客的信息。“女性可能对化妆品的组成更感兴趣,而男性却关注产品功能方面的益处。”男士香水据香水基金会最近的报告称,越来
According to the Datamonitor research company, in 1998, the US men’s cosmetics trade volume reached 2.8 million US dollars. This thriving industry has become one of the largest emerging markets in the cosmetics market. The attention to various men’s cosmetics has also contributed to the emergence of new trends in the personal care market. According to Bernadette King, director of cosmetics operations at Gillette, men are inevitably affected by direct cosmetic advice and advertising directed at women, but they also know that these products are not theirs. “What you are seeing now is mentoring instead of men.” Selling specific personal care products to male customers requires different information than female customers. “Women may be more interested in the makeup of cosmetics, while men are concerned about the functional aspects of the product.” According to a recent report from the Fragrance Foundation, men’s fragrances