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加强职业教育立法、构建完善的职业教育法律体系,是推进职业教育事业健康发展的基石。1996年颁布实施的《中华人民共和国职业教育法》(以下简称《职教法》),是我国职业教育发展史上重要的里程碑,在我国职业教育改革和发展的关键时期发挥了保驾护航作用。但是,随着经济社会的不断发展和职业教育改革的不断深入,职业教育发展中遇到了许多新的深层次的矛盾和问题,我国职业教育事业进入了攻坚期和破冰区,《职教法》修订被提到了议事日程。由于职业教育具有显著的社会性特征,因此作为我国职业教育领域的基本法,《职教法》在修订过程中需要听取来自不同方面的声音和期待。为了促进《职教法》修订工作的顺利进行,提升《职教法》的科学性、现代性和有效性,我刊与国家教育行政学院职业教育研究中心、“《职业教育法》修订实证研究”课题组联合开设了本专栏,邀请各个领域的专家、学者及课题组成员畅谈《职教法》修订中的有关问题。内容既可以是我国国情的现实需要,也可以是他山之石的有益启示;既可以是系统的观点,也可以是个案的描述。形式不拘一格,篇幅可长可短。我们深切期待各方的积极参与和大力支持。 Strengthening the legislation of vocational education and building a perfect legal system of vocational education are the cornerstones to promote the healthy development of vocational education. The Law of Vocational Education of the People’s Republic of China promulgated in 1996 (hereinafter referred to as “Vocational Education Law”) is an important milestone in the history of the development of vocational education in our country. It has played a key role in the reform and development of vocational education in our country. However, with the continuous economic and social development and the continuous deepening of vocational education reform, many new and deep-rooted contradictions and problems have been encountered in the development of vocational education. Our vocational education has entered a crucial period and ice-breaking area. The “Vocational Education Law” The amendment was mentioned on the agenda. As vocational education has significant social characteristics, as the basic law in the field of vocational education in our country, “Vocational Education Law” needs to hear voices and expectations from different aspects during the revision process. In order to promote the smooth progress of the revision of the “Vocational Education Law” and to enhance the scientific, modernity and effectiveness of the “Vocational Education Law,” I published an amendment to the Vocational Education Research Center of the State Education Administration Institute Research “group jointly set up this column, invited experts in all fields, scholars and task force members to talk about” Vocational Education Law "in the revision of the relevant issues. The content can be not only the realistic needs of our country’s situation but also the helpful revelation of the stone of other mountains; it can be both a systematic point of view and a description of a case. Form of eclectic, length may be shorter. We are deeply looking forward to the active participation and strong support of all parties.