Numerical Modeling of Wave Diffraction-Refraction in Water of Varying Current and Topography

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:george_zg
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—A numerical model for wave diffraction-refraction in water of varying current and topogra-phy is proposed,and time-dependent wave mild-slope equation with a dissipation term and correspondingequivalent governing equations are presented.Two different expressions of parabolic approximations forthe case of the absence of current are also given and analyzed.The influence of current on the results ofsimulation of waves is discussed.Some examples show that the present model is better than others in simu-lating wave transformation in large water areas.And they also show that the influence of current shouldbe taken into account,on numerical modeling of wave propagation in water of strong current and coastalareas,otherwise the modeling results will be largely distorted. -A numerical model for wave diffraction-refraction in water of varying current and topogra-phy is proposed, and time-dependent wave mild-slope equation with a dissipation term and corresponds ingequivalent governing equations are. Two different expressions of parabolic approximations forthe case of the absence of current are also given and analyzed. The influence of current on the results of simulations of waves is discussed. Some examples show that the present model is better than others in simu-lating wave transformation in large water areas. And they also show that the influence of current should be taken into account, on numerical modeling of wave propagation in water of strong current and coastalareas, otherwise the modeling results will be distorted distorted.
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