思想政治课教学改革的切入口在哪里?让我先从这里谈起:2007年1月1日,我要到美国 TOW—SON 大学进行为期三周的教育培训。那时我教高二年级的思想政治课,回国以后所教的三个班级就要文理分班,我就再也不能给他们上政治课了。于是,临走前,我布置学生写一篇以“我心目中的思想政治课”为题的小论
Where is the entry point for the reform of the ideological and political education? Let me start from here: On January 1, 2007, I will go to the US TOW-SON University for a three-week education and training. At that time, I taught ideological and political classes in the second grade, and the three classes I taught after returning to China must be divided into classes based on liberal arts and culture. I can no longer afford to teach them politics. So, before I left, I arranged for students to write an article on the topic of “Ideology and Politics in My Mind.”