目的了解HIV低流行区综合性医院门诊患者对由医务人员启动的HIV检测和咨询服务(PITC)的可接受性。方法结合门诊特点在不同级别医院采用分层抽样方式对15岁以上的门诊患者进行问卷调查。了解不同特征人群PITC的接受度及影响因素。结果 503名就诊者中,423人表示愿意接受HIV检测,接受率为84.10%;检测免费及男性、文化程度高、年轻人、艾滋病知识知晓率高的人群更易于接受PITC服务;高级别的医院患者的PITC接受度要高于低级别医院患者。结论艾滋病低流行区综合性医院开展PITC服务患者的接受度较高。加强有关PITC的宣传力度使更多人了解该项服务对于更好的开展检测服务有益。
Objectives To understand the acceptability of HIV-detection and counseling services (PITC) initiated by health-care workers in general hospital outpatient departments in areas of low HIV prevalence. Methods Combined with outpatient characteristics in different levels of the hospital stratified sampling method for 15-year-old outpatients were surveyed. To understand the different characteristics of the crowd PITC acceptance and influencing factors. Results Of the 503 patients who received the HIV test, 423 were willing to accept HIV test, and the acceptance rate was 84.10%. People with high education level, young people and HIV / AIDS knowledge-free were more likely to receive PITC services. High-level hospitals Patients with PITC acceptance is higher than low-level hospital patients. Conclusions Patients with HIV / AIDS in the general hospitals with high prevalence of PITC are more receptive. Strengthening publicity about PITC to make more people aware of the service is beneficial for better testing service.