通常,安全健康不是让人兴趣高涨的话题,但伦敦的格伦费尔大楼火灾却让其重新占据头条。2017年6月的这场悲剧导致至少80人死亡。事后来自安全健康领域的70个主要组织和个人向英国首相特蕾莎·梅写了一封公开信,主张其再三考虑对安全宽松管制的做法。信件署名有英国职业安全健康学会(IOSH)、英国事故预防皇家协会(Ro SPA)和英国安全委员会(BSC)。他们同时呼吁政府审查2010年版《建筑法规》的B部分,即关于英格兰建筑内及周围区域的消防规定。CMS律师事务所合作人、安全健康专家伯吉斯
In general, safety and health are not a topic of great interest, but the fire in the Glenefell building in London made it regain its headlines. The tragedy in June 2017 has killed at least 80 people. Afterwards, 70 major organizations and individuals from the field of safety and health wrote an open letter to British Prime Minister Theresa May who advocated repeated consideration of safe deregulation. The letter was signed by the British Society for Occupational Health and Safety (IOSH), Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (Ro SPA) and British Security Council (BSC). At the same time, they also called on the government to review Part B of the Building Code 2010 edition, which is about fire codes in and around England’s buildings. CMS law firm partners, health and safety experts Burgess