在上海航天的型号线上,施金苗曾担任过近十个型号的“老总”,型号的类型涉及“星箭弹船”四大领域,而且凡是由他参与设计和指挥的航天型号均获成功。象他这样的经历在国内航天界也不多见。 神舟五号载人飞行的成功只是圆了他最大的梦,也是他的第一个梦。中国还要有自己的空间实验室、空间站,所以他要为年轻人再打点基础,做好铺垫。 今年年初,中央电视台东方时空栏目对施金苗进行了专题采访。据悉,能进人“东方之子”行列的,是一道很高的“门槛”,施金苗能进入其中,也是航天人的光荣。
On the model line of Shanghai Aerospace, Shi Jinmiao once served in nearly ten models of “veterans,” and the type of the model involves the four major fields of “Star and Arrow Propellare.” All the aerospace models that he has been involved in designing and directing success. Experiences like him in the domestic space are rare. The successful manned flight of the Shenzhou V only rounded his biggest dream, which was his first dream. China also needs to have its own space laboratory and space station, so he needs to re-lay the foundations for young people and pave the way for it. Earlier this year, CCTV Oriental Space Column interviewed Shi Jinmiao. It is reported that the “son of the East” who can enter the ranks is a very high “threshold”, Shi Jinmiao can enter them, but also the glory of space people.