经济和社会的发展形势,要求我国尽快提高全民的科学素质。而科普工作是全民科学素质建设的重要支撑手段。我国目前的全民科学素质水平较低;重要的原因之一是由于科普人才数量不足、水平不高。因此,必须加快科普人才队伍建设,在尽快补足科普人才数量的同时,扎实提升科普人才的工作能力酝科普人才队伍建设工作,要围绕重点任务的执行需要,设计好支撑办法,形成环环相扣的措施体系,并最终实现建设一支“结构优化,素质优良”的科普人才队伍的目标,为全面建设小康社会提供坚实的支撑。“,”Economic and social development requires China to improve the public scientific literacy as soon as possible. science popularization is an important support to the construction of the people's scientific quality. The current level of the scientific quality in China is low. One important reason for the low scientific quality is the insufficient number and low level of the science popularization professionals. It is necessary to speed up the development of the science popul- arization professionals. The number of the science popularization professionals should be added as soon as possible, while the ability of them should be enhanced. To develop the science popularization professionals, we should do the important things first, make a system of interlocking measures, and ultimately achieve the goals of forming a "better structure, higher quality" team of science popularization professionals. With this team, we can give a solid support for the construction of the overall Well-off Society.