Perspectives on China’s Reforms

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijingmeng
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The concept of the“Four Comprehensives”—an ideological framework that should guide the next steps of reforming Chinese economy and institutions—goes beyond political discourse.These new guiding mottos summarize a commitment to deepening the ongoing process of transformation carried on in the country Economic transformation The Chinese economy and its institutions are undergoing large-scale reforms aimed at creating a new development model,which shall be increasingly based on domestic consumption and innovation,instead of its past reliance on exports and huge investment in infrastructure.One of the most significant impacts of these changes will be the expansion of the already booming middle class in China,whose consumption will demand higher diversification and quality standards not only from the private sector,but from public services as well.Major Chinese companies must also shift their focus to internal consumers,while reducing their dependence on foreign markets.Some of these companies have already engaged in this change,embracing new technologies of production and moving to higher The concept of the “Four Comprehensives” - an ideological framework that should guide the next steps of reforming Chinese economy and institutions-goes beyond political discourse. The new guiding mottos summarize a commitment to deepening the ongoing process of transformation carried on in the the country Economic transformation The Chinese economy and its institutions are undergoing large-scale reforms aimed at creating a new development model, which should be based on domestic consumption and innovation, instead of its past reliance on exports and huge investment in infrastructure. One of the most significant impacts of these changes will be the expansion of the already booming middle class in China, whose consumption will demand higher diversification and quality standards not only from the private sector, but from public services as well. Major Chinese companies must also shift their focus to internal consumers, while reducing their dependence on foreign markets.Some of these companies have already engaged in this change, embracing new technologies of production and moving to higher
【摘要】成人学校要办出实效,必须要创新办学理念。本文结合我镇成人学校的实际,从“九个结合”上分别阐述了如何提高成人教育实效。  【关键词】成人教育;理念    成人教育发展的步子,近年来迈得比较大,但对社会的吸引力仍显不足。主要是成人教育从政策上看差于普通教育;二是在办学的科学与规范上也差于普通教育;三是经费来源更是差于普通教育;四是教育层次和教育管理缺乏科学序列,社会认同度较低。因此要发展成人教