1月12日,菲亚特克莱斯勒集团(FCA)宣布高级领导层人事变动,广汽菲亚特克莱斯勒销售公司总裁郑杰出任FCA中国区首席运营官,全面负责FCA在华业务。广汽菲克副董事长、总裁安恺伦(PaulAlcala)被任命为中国以外亚太地区的负责人。与此同时,郑杰和安恺伦都将加入集团执行委员会(GEC)。GEC是FCA的最高管理机构,由集团首席执行官马尔乔内担任主席。迄今一直负责亚太地区工作的麦明凯(Mike Manley)
January 12, the Fiat Chrysler Group (FCA) announced changes in the senior leadership personnel, GAC Fiat Chrysler Sales President Zheng Jie FCO China COO, overall responsibility for the FCA business in China. GAC Fick Vice Chairman and President PaulAlcala was appointed as head of Asia Pacific beyond China. In the meantime, both Zheng Jie and An Kailun will join the Group Executive Committee (GEC). GEC is the highest governing body of the FCA and is chaired by Group Chief Executive Margchine. Mike Manley, who has so far worked in the Asia Pacific region,