人生如书,婴儿在产房里的第一声啼哭便是书的序言,书的名字就是婴儿的名字。随着时间的流逝,小生命在慢慢长大,人生之书也渐渐成篇,其中有辉煌,也有暗淡;有成功的足迹,也有歪斜的脚印;欢乐和泪水同在,激情与失落共存。如果说,少年时写抒情散文,中年时写报告文学,那么老年时就该写回忆录了,题目就是——感悟人生。 对于生命,著名作家高尔基形象地描述:“钟摆摆动着,而随着每一摆动,
Life as a book, baby crying in the delivery room is the preface to the book, the book’s name is the baby’s name. With the passage of time, small life is slowly growing up, books of life are gradually becoming articles, which have brilliant, but also bleak; successful footsteps, but also skewed footprints; joy and tears in the same time, passion and loss coexist. If we say that when we write lyrical essays in adolescence and we write reportage in middle age, we should write a memoir in our old age. The topic is: to comprehend life. For life, the famous writer Gorky vividly described: "The pendulum swings, and with each swing,