
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:schunter
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自从国务院发布了《水利工程水费核订、计收和管理办法》后,一个以水费改革为中心的水利经济体制改革的热潮正在深入开展。但是,与任何新事物一样,在水费制度改革过程中,有部分干部和群众对水费改革的重要意义认识不清,对新的水费标准有意见,思想阻力较大。因此,需进一步宣传水费改革的重要意义,认真贯彻有关水费改革的方针、政策。长期以来,人们不把水当作商品,不遵循等价交换的原则,供水不计成本,在水费上实行低价政策。由于喝大锅水,农民没有买水的观念,带来了许多流弊:一,严重背离价值规律,即违背了商品生产和商品交换的基本规律,造成水管单位在生产运行过程中消耗的活劳动和物化劳动得不到应有的补偿,更新改造资金没有来源,许多工程设施由于自然老化和人为破坏得不到及时的维修养护,长期带病运行,甚至是破坏性运行,从而危及工程安全,降低设备寿命,影响经济效益的发挥。少收水费从暂时看,固 Since the State Council promulgated the Measures for the Verification, Payment and Management of Water Conservancy Projects, an upsurge in the reform of the water conservancy economic system focusing on the reform of water fees is being carried out in depth. However, like any new thing, some cadres and the masses do not know well the significance of the reform of the water fee during the reform of the water fee system. They have opinions on the new water fee standard and have great resistance to ideology. Therefore, it is necessary to further publicize the significance of water fee reform and conscientiously implement the guidelines and policies on water fee reform. For a long time, people did not regard water as a commodity and did not follow the principle of equal exchange. Water supply was implemented at a low price regardless of cost. As a result of drinking cauldron, the peasants did not buy water and brought many abuses. First, the serious deviation from the law of value violated the basic laws of commodity production and commodity exchange, and caused the living labor consumed by the water pipe unit during production and operation Materialized labor can not be properly compensated, there is no source of funds for renovation and reconstruction, and many engineering facilities are not timely repaired and maintained due to natural aging and man-made damage. They are often run with sickness or even destructive operations, thus endangering the safety of construction and reducing Equipment life, affecting the economic benefits of play. Less water from the temporary look, solid
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