The Cats of Roxville Station (Excerpt IX)《罗克斯维尔火车站的猫》(节选九)

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  Mike went outside and was shoveling the walk when suddenly he wondered if Rachet and the other cats in his basement had enough food. He wasn’t worried about water. They would eat the snow. Hurried to finish the walk, then plowed through the snow to the rear of the house. The snow was four feet deep above the stone foundation. No cat could get out to eat snow, much less catch mice. He shoveled furiously, found Rachet’s foundation passageway, and dug a path between it and the porch. The cats could jump to it and probably find a mouse among the old shutters and screens there.
   Worried that the mice on the porch might not be enough, he dug a path from the porch to the plowed street. He dared not put down cat food for fear Mrs. Dibber would see it and ask questions. With a way to the road cleared, he was satisfied that Rachet and that other cat could get to the station. He hoped the sidewalks around the housing project were cleared so that the Bent Lady could get to the station with her cans of cat food. He did not know about Queenella’s window well with the broken window—so he did not dig it out.
   Down in the basement Rachet sat on her heating duct, dozing and waiting patiently for the world to change and the snow to disappear like the rain. She was hungry and thirsty, but she had been hungry and thirsty before. From her past experience she knew that if she moved as little as possible she saved her body fluids and energy. But Queenella had not learned that lesson, and when Mike opened Rachet’s passageway Queenella sped with all her cat vigor to claim it.
   Seeing her property threatened, Rachet suddenly felt ownership fury. Queenella was on her territory. Despite the fact that Queenella was top cat, Rachet gracefully jumped down from the heating duct. Crouching behind a bucket of dried paint, her haunches high, she got in springing position. This was her domain—her territory. She would defend it. She growled deep in her throat. Queenella heard, stopped, and looked away. Rachet growled again and looked away from Queenella when she looked back.
   Rachet tilted her head. Queenella tilted her head, the movement to protect their throats in a fight. Queenella turned her eyes away from Rachet, very aware of her whether she looked at her or not. After long minutes of pretending to ignore each other, they flattened their ears back and down aggressively.
   Queenella hissed. She pulled back her lips and uncovered her sharp white canine teeth, a statement to Rachet to take warning. Queenella had made this gesture of battle with her before and won. She was sure the young cat, Rachet, would not challenge her, but to make certain, she growled.
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