四氧化二氮是强氧化剂,在运输、转注、加注作业过程中因意外情况,工作人员大量吸入可引起中毒。本文介绍26例中毒患者的临床救治效果。 本组病人男25例,女1例,年龄20岁1例,21~57岁25例。轻度中毒3例,主要症状为刺激性呛咳,胸闷、头昏、恶心、乏力不适;中度中毒19例,主要症状为胸闷、气急、呛咳、烦躁、口唇轻度紫绀;重度中毒3例,出现呼吸急促、频繁咳嗽、咳大量泡沫痰,肺部可闻中细湿罗音,甚至休克、意识丧失等症状;极重度中度1例,表现为严重的肺水肿,死亡。
Nitrogen dioxide is a strong oxidant, in transport, transfer, filling process due to unexpected circumstances, a large number of staff inhalation can cause poisoning. This article describes the clinical efficacy of 26 cases of poisoning patients. The group of 25 males and 1 females, aged 20 years in 1 case, 21 to 57 years in 25 cases. Mild poisoning in 3 cases, the main symptoms are irritating cough, chest tightness, dizziness, nausea, fatigue discomfort; moderate poisoning in 19 cases, the main symptoms of chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough, irritability, mild lip cyanosis; severe poisoning 3 Cases, shortness of breath, frequent cough, cough a large number of foam sputum, lungs can be heard in the fine wet rales, and even shock, loss of consciousness and other symptoms; extremely severe in 1 case, showed severe pulmonary edema and death.