赵南区块受山前逆推覆构造影响,钻井过程中地层均质性差存在大段砂砾岩,西山窑及其以下地层煤层发育,下侏罗统地层水敏性强微裂缝发育,全井地层倾角大、方位多变等钻井难点,通过应用优选个性化P D C钻头技术,煤层安全钻井技术,井壁稳定技术,井身质量控制技术解决了该区块钻井难点,在实际施工中取得了良好的效果,达到了提高钻井速度的目的。
The Zhao Nan block is affected by the thrust nappe structure at the piedmont. Large sandstone and conglomerate are present in the homogeneity of the formations during the drilling process. The coal seams in Xishan kiln and below are developed. The water-sensitive micro-cracks in the Lower Jurassic formations develop. Strata dip and azimuthal variation. Through the application and optimization of PDC bit technology, coal seam safety drilling technology, wellbore stabilization technology and wellbore quality control technology, the difficulty of drilling in this block has been solved and good results have been achieved in practical construction The effect has reached the purpose of improving drilling speed.