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随着我国逐步建立社会主义市场经济体制,平安城市的建设步伐加快,社会安全防范工程建设者对于建设投入与防范效能状况的了解已成为一种必需。在我国高风险和大型安全防范专项工程中,安全防范系统评估有着越来越大的市场需求,人们愈发意识到评估是改进安全风险管理、提高决策水平的重要工具与方法。在《行政许可法》出台前,政府监管状态下的竣工验收承担了部分验收的职能,而在《行政许可法》出台后,相关验收部门只保留了对军工、金融、邮政三类安防工程的验收职责,对于绝大多数安防工程而言,验收这一环节产生了很大变化,而此时安全风险评估在国外正在悄然发展。一方面是管理环节的缺失,一方面是强烈的市场需求,正是这一对矛盾使得以第三方为主体的安全防范评估服务的作用开始凸显,成为当前解决安全防范系统应有效果评价的最科学、有效的手段之一。 With the gradual establishment of a socialist market economic system in our country and the acceleration of the construction of a safe city, it is necessary for the social safety precaution constructor to understand the situation of construction investment and prevention and control of the situation. In our special project of high risk and large-scale safety precautions, there is an increasing market demand for safety precaution system assessment. People are increasingly aware that appraisal is an important tool and method to improve safety risk management and improve decision-making level. Before the “Administrative Licensing Law” was introduced, the completion and acceptance under the state supervision and administration undertook part of the functions of acceptance. After the introduction of the “Administrative Licensing Law”, the relevant departments of acceptance only retained the three types of security and protection projects for the military, finance and postal services Acceptance of duties, for the vast majority of security projects, acceptance of this part has undergone great changes, and security risk assessment at this time is quietly developing in foreign countries. The one hand, the lack of management, on the one hand, the strong market demand, it is the contradiction that makes the third party as the main body of the security assessment services began to highlight the role of the current security system to become the most effective evaluation of the system One of the scientific and effective means.
大力推动中国基金业的发展与创新  ——在“中国证券基金国际论坛(2004.深圳)”上的讲话  PECC中国金融市场发展委员会主席中国证监会前主席周道炯  2004年12月9日深圳    目前,全国上下正在进一步学习认识、贯彻落实国务院《关于推进资本市场改革开放和稳定发展的若干意见》即“国九条”,形势喜人。证券市场已开始转折,从低迷到复苏发展,前景是光明的。如何加快基金业的发展步伐,以适应资本市场改
通常讲一个行业的国际化是指行业发展超越国界,与别国行业相互联系、相互渗透不断扩大和深入的经济发展过程。若干年前,安防“国 Generally speaking, the internationaliza