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上海凤凰自行车公司是以生产驰名中外的凤凰牌、飞达牌自行车为主导产品的大型企业。为进一步扩大名牌自行车的生产、满足市场需求,同时也为进一步增强。“凤凰”参与市场竞争的实力,我们本着“改革探索、求实前进”的精神,于1989年初积极引进兼并机制,有偿兼并了陷入严重困境的原江苏省无锡小轮自行车厂和昆山自行车厂;1992年10月,在上级政府和有关部门批准和支持下,我们又兼并了上海工业系统最大的亏损企业——原上海自行车二厂,通过对被兼并企业的有效改组、改造、结构调整和主体企业优势管理的延伸,使这些企业在很短时间内扭亏为盈,存量资产很快产生了效用。同时,实施兼并后也使公司整体产品布局和组织结构得到了有效合理的调整,规模经济效益得到了有效提高。在实施兼并工作过程中,我们主要坚持做了以下几方面的工作: Shanghai Phoenix Bicycle Co., Ltd. is a large-scale enterprise that produces Phoenix and Feida brand bicycles that are famous at home and abroad. In order to further expand the production of brand-name bicycles and meet market demands, it has also been further enhanced. “Phoenix” participates in the strength of market competition. In the spirit of “reform exploring and making progress,” we actively introduced the merger mechanism in early 1989 and paid for the merger of the original Jiangsu Wuxi Ferry Bicycle Factory and the Kunshan Bicycle Factory. In October 1992, with the approval and support of the higher level government and related departments, we also merged the largest loss-making enterprise in the Shanghai Industrial System, the original Shanghai Bicycle No. 2 Plant, through the effective restructuring, transformation, structural adjustment and main body of the merged companies. The extension of enterprise’s advantage management makes these companies turn losses into profits in a very short period of time, and the stock assets soon have utility. At the same time, the implementation of the merger also enabled the company’s overall product layout and organizational structure to be effectively and reasonably adjusted, and economies of scale have been effectively improved. In the implementation of mergers and acquisitions, we have mainly insisted on the following aspects:
Heat pipe devices, for their typical working mode, are particularly suitable for zero gravity applications, and have also been considered for applications in
据《Diesel&GasTurbineWorldwide》2 0 0 1年 6月号报道 ,NorthropGrumman和Rolls -Royce公司被获得一个金额为 12 130万美元的合同 ,供应 12台WR - 2 1船用燃气轮机成套装置 ,用于英国皇家海军的 6艘防空驱逐舰。该 4 5 According
Objective: To investigate differences between peripheral idiopathic and central sixth nerve palsies from brainstem damage by comparing peak velocities and durat